PUT PEOPLE FIRST Pedego is the number one brand of electric bikes in America because we put people first. The most important part of every pedego isn’t some high-tech gadget or fancy bicycle component – it’s the person riding it. “hello fun…” Our motto is “hello, fun…” because everyone loves to have fun. It’s a universal language. Pedegos are the greatest electric bikes on earth because they’re the most fun to ride. SATISFY DELIGHT CUSTOMERS If a Pedego owner is merely satisfied then we’ve let them down. Satisfied isn’t good enough. We go the extra mile to make sure that every single Pedego owner is delighted. Pedego owners don’t like their bikes – they love them. LABOR OF LOVE We love this business because all we sell is fun! Every hour of every day somewhere on earth someone is falling in love with a Pedego and rediscovering the simple joy of riding a bicycle. That feels pretty good.
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